All Stories

How to Design, 3D Print Bearings and Save Thousands of Dollars

I’m building a robot that somewhat resembles R2D2 - a round body with a spinning semi-sphere head - NOT a clone for copyright reasons and deep respect to the filmmakers!...

Build an Arduino Self-Driving Robot - Video Instructions Series

Here is my video instructions series with step-by-step explanations “How to Build an Arduino/ROS2 Self-driving Robot”.

How to Connect TB6612FNG Motor Driver to Your ESP32 DIY Robot

TB6612FNG is a low-cost driver IC for brushed DC motors - popular with DIY enthusiasts to build small wheeled robots. One TB6612FNG can drive two motors with power supply voltage...

100K+ Members in My Facebook Group

I’ve been running several Facebook groups related to Arduino, robotics, DIY and programming. Today my Arduino and Robotics group has reached over 100K members 🥳🎉.

Online Robotics Store is Open

We’re excited to announce the launch of our online store, where innovation meets education! Whether you’re a hobbyist, educator, or robotics enthusiast, our store offers educational robots designed to make...

How-to: Connect Xiaomi $15 LDS02RR LiDAR to ESP32, Arduino

Here is a DIY project I’d like to share. I’ve designed an adapter PCB to connect my LDS02RR Lidar to ESP32. I also wrote Arduino firmware to stream distance data...